We believe in God the Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.
TROD was birthed in Bradford, United Kingdom where the leaders got a direction from the LORD to raise an altar of prayer and worship for Him. Before then, Tim and Faith Obeta have spent over 2 decades in church ministry serving in various leadership capacity. Both are lovers of Jesus Christ and committed to Spreading the saving message of Christ and his Kingdom. We want to see God's will done on earth as it’s done in heaven. Our call to service is that Christians must build a lifestyle of continuous prayer to survive the evil days of our time and serve the Lord faithfully.
Worship times, Community outreach and events are simply impossible without you. Volunteering to serve will be a great way of meeting new people, learning new skills, and contributing to the ministry.
However you found us and wherever you’re from we’d love to help you get connected and involved. We have a great team ready to hear from you and to help you find a home in our fellowship of believers.